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The Four

Requisites for Change

The first requisite for change: Release negative emotions and baggage

Emotional baggage is many times one of the major reasons why people repeat habits and behaviors that they truly want to change. Many things in your life including significant emotional events, trauma, and negative experiences can create baggage. It can be thought of as a small black pouch that is stored somewhere in your neurology, and when you are triggered by something in your environment, whether that is a person, place, or similar event, that bag is presented to us to deal with. And at that moment you can either handle the baggage, or shove it right back down. Unfortunately, the norm in our western society is to shove it back down, distract ourselves from it with busy work, intoxicate ourselves to avoid it, or even identify with it. 

That is why the first requisite for lasting change is to release negative emotions and baggage. Through a variety of powerful techniques including Mental and Emotional Release Therapy®, Parts Integration, and the Hawaiian forgiveness process Ho'oponopono, you can release and let go of the baggage that is anchoring you to your current results.

"Most people walk backwards into the future, dragging their past with them."

The second requisite for change: create a compelling future - goal setting

Once you are clear of your baggage, now you can begin to set a new goal that empowers you to take action. The challenge with setting a goal before releasing your baggage, is you are viewing your world through the baggage, and affects the goals you are setting. Imagine setting the goal to lose 20 pounds this year, while still holding onto the limiting belief "I can't lose weight because can't stop eating cake." What level of action would you take? How long would you stay committed to losing those 20 pounds? Probably not much and not long. So you must release your baggage first in order to set new goals from an empowered state.

"Be reasonable and action oriented in your short term goals.
Be grand and results oriented in your long term goals"

The third requisite for change: take inspired action

Once you have set your empowering goal, the next step is to begin to take massive action towards accomplishing said goal. It's a no brainer that not taking action leads to no results, however because of baggage, that is exactly what many people do. Since you released your baggage before setting your goal, you will have the congruency to take the necessary actions to accomplish it. To build momentum for yourself, and to communicate to you unconscious mind that you are serious about achieving your goal, immediately after setting the goal, do one small action towards making progress. Do something that moves the needle forward, even if it's just slightly, because your unconscious mind will feel that progress and you will feel more committed to continue now that you have already started.

When I say massive action, I truly mean that. You need to take higher levels of action than you expect in order to achieve your goals on time. Those daily action-oriented goals need to be ambitious enough to produce results, yet not too high that you are inconsistent in doing them.

"Commitment to continuity produces emotional stability."

The fourth requisite for change: focus on what you want

Many times, if you are not getting the results you are looking for, you may be focusing on your backup plan instead of your commitment plan. It is widely known that your energy flows where your focus goes. If you are focused on your goal every day, you will be able to keep out the distractions that will attempt to get you off track. It is only when you take your focus off your goals that you begin to do things that are not conducive to accomplishing what you want.

"Energy flows where your focus goes."

Release, Goal, Action, Focus

The words you use do not describe the world you live in. . . they create it

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